Essentials of Diagnosis
                     These are caused by human papilloma viruses.
                     There are no symptoms.
                     Anogenital warts may produce itching.
                     These are verrucous papules on skin or mucous membrane not larger than 1 cm in diameter.
                     Incubation period is 2-18 months and spontaneous cures are noted.
                     Recurrences in 50% cases develop.
                     Flat warts are better seen under oblique illumination.
                     Subungual warts may be dry and fissured.
                     Plantar warts look like corns.
                     In AIDS wart like lesions may be caused by varicella zoster virus.

o   Liquid nitrogen is applied to achieve a thaw time of 20-45 seconds.
o   Liquid nitrogen may result in depigmentation.
o   Any salicylic acid products may be used.
o   5% cream of Imiquimod helps in clearing external genital warts.
o   Anogenital warts may be treated carefully every 2-3 weeks with 25% podophyllum resin.
o   Plantar warts may be removed by blunt dissection.
o   CO2 laser is effective for treating recurrent warts.
o   Bleomycin diluted to 1 unit /ml may be injected into warts.