Essentials of Diagnosis

                     Starts as papules at puberty and common sites are cheeks, chin, nose, back and shoulders.
                     Permanent scars on skin if left untreated and uncared.
                     Clinical picture is of black heads, inflammatory papules, pustules or cyst.
                     It is often familial and found in oily skin.

o   Local area to be washed properly with soap 2-3 times a day.
o   Oxytetracycline 250 mg bd is often adequate for 10 days.
o   Minocycline 100 mg daily
o   Vitamin ‘A’ and ‘C’ in high doses.
o   Oral Retinoids or local Isotretinoin ointment.
o   Local application of Eskamel/ Clearacil ointment after wash.
o   Capsule Doxycycline 100 mg twice day for 10 days then 1 daily for 20 days.
o   Locally Pernox or Persol gel 2.5 or 5 percent apply at night for 2-3 months use Lyramycin or Erythromycin cream or solution if there develop inflammatory and pustular lesions.
o   Retino-A cream or Eudyna cream applied 2-3 times a week only at night for 3-4 months.